Delete My Account

Request my right to be forgotten

If you delete your account completely, you will lose all of it's contents. This includes order history, reward points and bookmarks. In addition, entries about your personal data will be deleted - email, password and phone number if you have connected two factor authentication. Remember that deletion can't be undone. All your data will disappear and access to your account will be lost even for support.

If there is a possibility that after some time you want to return to purchase from our store and use your account to track orders, check rewards points and such, do not delete it. We will send you an email confirming that we are deleting your account. Once you are ready please use the link below to request your account deletion via email, making sure to fill out your name and email address and DELETE MY ACCOUNT in the enquiry. We will then delete your account along with all the above mentioned information after sending a confirmation email.

You can come back and register at anytime however there will be no information from your previous account.

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